What are you reading lately? Recommended book list for the 2023 Book Fair

As we grow up, we often see the world and ourselves through the lens of our beliefs. While we can listen to others' life stories and experiences, we often have our own set of ideas and emotions as third-party observers. We may unintentionally add too much of our own emotions and opinions. When we listen to our friends' stories, we often try to put ourselves in their shoes, but it's not the same as experiencing it firsthand. That's why I enjoy reading - I can read other people's life stories without bringing my personal emotions or being influenced by close relationships. It's easier to detach myself, immerse myself in the world of the book, and experience a different world view and life story. The annual book fair is a great opportunity to discover new books, and I've prepared some rec...

2023 PADI Women’s Dive Day Are you ready to join any dive for celebration?

Inviting Women friends to Explore Their Ocean and Celebrating New Freedoms  Saudi Arabia In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (where many female divers are also driving for the first time), a 2019 Women’s Dive Day event brought together three diving trailblazers. The historic meeting included the one of the first female PADI Instructors in Saudi Arabia, Jennifer Simpson, one of the first female Saudi PADI Instructor, Sarah Abdullah Bogdadi, and PADI AmbassaDiver™  and one of the first Saudi female PADI Technical Diver, Nouf Alosaimi. Cayman Islands Continuing the tradition of paying it forward every PADI Women’s Dive Day, PADI Five Star Dive Resort Divetech Grand Cayman celebrated the day through a charity fundraiser, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to the Cayman I...

What are you reading lately? Recommended book list for the 2023 Book Fair

In Hong Kong, the perception of reading is a paradoxical tapestry. On one hand, it is widely believed that Hong Kongers are highly educated. On the other hand, reality paints a different picture – a significant portion of the population seems to have drifted away from the pages. These two statements may seem contradictory, but they unveil a complex reality. Diving into the data, the 2022 Hong Kong National Reading Survey sheds light on this enigma. It reveals that around 70% of Hong Kong residents claim to have engaged with books and publications in the past year. However, a closer look at the younger generation unveils a decline, with less than 60% maintaining a consistent reading habit. While the numbers may seem encouraging at first glance, the truth is that having occasional encoun...

Hong Kong in June: Pride or Hide?

June, the Pride Month, resonates internationally as a symbol of love and freedom. Brands and every nook and cranny are adorned with rainbow flags, representing gender equality, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Yet, Hong Kong seems to fade into insignificance. LGBTQIAP+ The LGBTQ+ community, a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender individuals, and queers/questioning individuals, has been an ever-evolving force. As time dances forward, its composition expands gracefully to include intersex individuals, asexual souls, pansexual beings, and the resilient "+" symbol, eternally embracing all who seek belonging. The history and origins of Pride Month gleam like a treasure trove, effortlessly discovered within the digital labyrinth of knowledg...

More than a Daddy-girl

It is often said that daughters bear a striking resemblance to their fathers, not only in terms of inherited traits and appearance, but also in the paths they choose in life. Daughters are often described as their fathers' “lover of previous life”, the role of a father is already intertwined with his daughter long even before this life, and in this lifetime, he becomes the primary male figure who shapes their lives. This profound connection is far from simple. The origin of Father's Day itself can be traced back to a dutiful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd from the United States, who sought to express gratitude for her father's nurturing of her and her five siblings. Through relentless efforts, she campaigned to establish "Father's Day" with the mayor, state government and various organisatio...

CameraWomen: Films by Women Cinematographers

Cinematography speaks to everything that women do inherently well: It's multitasking, it's empathy, and it's channelling visuals into human emotion. Rachel Morrison In a groundbreaking moment at the 2018 Oscars, Rachel Morrison became the first female cinematographer to receive a Best Cinematography nomination in the history of film. While the question of gender-specific qualities in cinematography is subjective, it is worth noting the objective findings of renowned British film industry scholar Stephen Fellows. His research reveals a striking reality: female cinematographers have been notably underrepresented in the film industry, with less than 10% representation as recently as 2016. Instead, women have often found their roles gravitating towards areas such as costume designer, ...

In recent years, the popular trend of creating idol stars has shown us that being a fan is no longer just for young people!

The highly anticipated fifth season of "Good Night Show - King Maker" is finally here, and everyone is rushing home before 9:30 pm each night to watch. After four seasons, every household audience member has become a professional judge, able to tell who will make it to the next level and who will be eliminated based on their performances. In the past, only young people were considered fans, but in recent years, being a fan is no longer limited by age and has become a family activity. Many of my friends have seen their mothers become younger because of being fans (laughs). Their lives are no longer just about doing laundry, cooking, and going to work. Even those around them can feel this positive change. It's like having a new goal in life, which is a good thing. It takes a lot of coura...

Resplendent and Radiant Feminism – “CARTIER & WOMEN”

Cartier, the jeweller of kings, king of jewellers In 1902, Edward VII, the Prince of Wales of the United Kingdom, awarded Cartier the prestigious title of official jeweller, an honour that the brand still holds today. During his reign, Edward VII was a passionate devotee of Cartier's design style and reportedly spent a staggering sum of £70,000 (equivalent to several million pounds today) on Cartier jewellery and watches during a trip to Paris. Initially celebrated for its jewellery designs and sales, Cartier gradually diversified into a brand specialising in watches, leather goods, and perfumes. Renowned for its elegant, luxurious, and high-quality image, Cartier became an iconic jewellery brand of European royalty and nobility. Throughout its centuries-long history, Cartier's clas...