
Exploring Life Through Travel: Cultivating a Soulful Existence Interviewing with Traveler Victoria Yeung

On the first page of the book, Victoria begins with her aspiration to "become a soulful person." Through her many travels, she realizes that the essence of life lies in the fact that we cannot control its length; therefore, we should strive to live life to its fullest. The depth of life comes from valuing the quality of our experiences, gradually becoming the person we want to be, and not allowing days to pass by in regret. She organizes the book's content based on the "timeline" of her growth in the mindset of travel. The first three chapters, titled "Impermanence," "Pursuit," and "Life," explore how her travels have transformed her perspectives. For instance, during her first backpacking trip, she lost her luggage, which taught her about the "impermanence" of life. Later, as she ...

Solo Adventure 551 days Overland Across 40 Countries Interviewing with travelog Writer Queenie

In a continuous journey spanning over 500 days, Queenie decided from the very beginning to travel alone. She explains that solo travel means she doesn’t have to consult with any companions; she can rely entirely on her own desires to explore so-called "axis of evil" countries and venture into closed nations, disconnecting from all social media. Her trip to Bhutan inspired her with the local culture and travel experiences. Queenie resolutely quit her job to embark on a journey around the world. She realized that a simple life is the happiest. After returning to Hong Kong, she repeatedly reflected on her priorities in life, gradually embracing minimalism, and ultimately decided to leave everything behind in Hong Kong. The 551 days were not a journey that could be taken on a whim. ...

Sea Slug and Plane Wreck :Diving Journal in Bohol (Part 3)

In our previous conversation, we talked about the rich marine ecosystem on Bohol. When diving there, you have a chance to witness incredible barracuda storms, jackfish storms, small sharks, and sea turtles. But there's more to explore than just these magnificent creatures. Divers can also visit dive sites where they can explore sunken ships and the remnants of underwater airplanes. Exploring different dive sites offers divers a variety of diving experiences with different underwater terrains. In the quest to find marine life, it requires not only keen observation skills but also a bit of luck. As they say, "Finding big things is easier, but finding smaller creatures is more challenging." One of the favorites among divers is the adorable "sea bunny," also known as a sea slug. Divers ...

Oceanic adventure journey:Diving Journal in Bohol (Part 2)

On the first day after our arrival, we completed a check dive and officially began our daily underwater adventure with three dives. Bohol offers mostly wall dives and slope dives, with calm water currents, high visibility, and a consistent water temperature of 26 to 29 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The dive sites are surrounded by coral reefs, with the diving activities starting at the reefs and then descending along the cliffs for a wall dive. It's an ideal location for beginners to learn and for experienced divers to upgrade their skills and gain more experience. Every morning, around 9 am, we would take a shuttle from the hotel to Alona Beach, where we would board a boat to explore the various islands near Bohol. Here are some of the dive sites we visited on this trip. ...

Why Divers Love Diving in the Philippines:Diving Journal in Bohol (Part 1)

Recently, the temperature in Hong Kong has dropped, and the diving season in Hong Kong is fast approaching. Many diving instructors in Hong Kong are organizing their own diving trips to various places around the world. The Philippines is a popular destination for winter diving. After visiting Puerto Galera in April, I visited another diving paradise in the Philippines, Bohol, in October. Even my non-diving friends asked me why everyone loves diving in the Philippines. Aren't they afraid of danger or poor equipment? In addition to sharing the itinerary of the first day of diving in the Philippines, this article will also explain the charm of diving in the Philippines and why everyone praises the five-star service provided by local diving operators. We took Philippine Airlines...

Do Do Cheng’s New Adventure Flying a Fighter Aircraft Over the Alps

People only live once, and everything has its time. How many people can truly maintain the courage to try everything? Well, Do Do Cheng definitely has the power to convince you that you can! In a recent episode of the travel show 'Where Do Do you go ', hosted by Zheng Yuling (Do Do Cheng ), she and Kaho embarked on a trip to Germany. In Munich, they learned how to make bread together, and Do Do Cheng 's biggest challenge on the trip was to visit the German National Aviation Museum alone and fly a German fighter jet over the Alps. In the show, Do Do Cheng visited various planes in the German National Aviation Museum and gave a brief introduction to their features. Finally, she personally climbed aboard an Italian-made S-211 light attack fighter jet. Before boarding the jet, Do Do Cheng ...

Exploring the World: What Travel Means to You Celine and Cynthia view travel as a lifestyle

For many young people in Hong Kong, being a travel YouTuber is a glamorous and adventurous dream job. However, nowadays travel YouTubers can be categorized into various types. Today, I would like to share one of my favorite YouTuber in recent years - Celine and Cynthia - 不只是旅行. These two Taiwanese girls focus on outdoor activities such as hiking and diving. While Cynthia loves mountains and hiking, Celine adores the sea and diving. Cynthia takes Celine on camping and hiking trips, and Celine takes Cynthia on water adventures like diving. Together, they explore the world and share their experiences with their viewers. They share their definition of 'not just travel: "Traveling has become a way of life for us, and we simply share what we love with everyone. Life has its ups and do...

The Survival Rules of the Gobi Desert – Mongolian Travelogue

“What drove you to travel to Mongolia?” asked the airport staff on the day of our departure. “To ride horses! To ride camels! To eat mutton! To savor horse milk wine!” we, a group of six, enthusiastically replied. Envision ourselves galloping on white horses across the boundless grasslands under the shimmering stars... Well, it may sound a bit whimsical, but beyond that, Mongolia offers excellent value for travel (especially when compared to places like Tokyo, where spending seems endless),  making it an alluring choice. With a mere four-hour flight away, many Hong Kongers opt for a “quick getaway” to Tokyo during extended weekends, yet only a handful consider a “flash visit” to Mongolia. However, for those seeking an extraordinary and distinct travel experience, Mongolia emer...