
From Designer to Personal Trainer: The importance of finding true happiness in your work

If I wake up every day and feel unhappy and tired at the thought of going back to work, then that job is definitely not suitable for me. ——Ami Ami, majored in advertising design in college and worked as a graphic designer after graduation, but  currently becomes a personal trainer. After two or three years of working in the advertising industry, she gradually realized that she didn't want to continue as a designer. With courage and determination, she stepped out of her comfort zone and turned her other interest, fitness, into a career, transforming herself into a healthy and confident Personal Trainer from scratch. The society that suppresses creativity limits the scope of design work In the eyes of the general public, those who work in advertising and graphic desi...

Easter Philippines diving trip! First “Drift Diving” experience at the Puerto Galera

As a Rescue Diver with few years of diving experience, all of which were accumulated in Hong Kong during the pandemic, I had no experience diving outside Hong Kong yet. However, with the recent easing of travel restrictions, I took the opportunity to visit one of the most cost-effective diving destinations in the Philippines, Puerto Galera. This trip fulfilled my long-held desire to dive outside of Hong Kong, and I even got to meet several female diving enthusiasts. This was an incredibly rare opportunity for me, as finding female friends who share the same love for diving and aren't afraid of water is difficult. Diving is a sport that emphasizes the importance of taking care of your dive buddy, and it would be better if you can have fun diving with buddies, and I was fortunate to have...