
Embarking on a Solo Walking Tour Completing the Camino de Santiago in Spain Over 37 Days Interviewing with Traveler Boey Lau

Most Hong Kong people travel to escape the stresses of daily life and unwind, but some opt for a more grueling and challenging form of travel, pushing themselves to the limit - what they call "The Walking Traveler". Walking Tours refers to walking long distances along predetermined routes, which while not overly rugged or complex, can be an exhausting undertaking for urban dwellers accustomed to relying on transportation. Yet, a young Hong Kong woman named Boey Lau recently completed the daunting Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain, even going so far as to inscribe her late father's name on the certificate of completion. More and more young Hong Kongers are venturing out to explore the world, and Boey is one such trailblazer. After her first solo trip to Bali in October 2022, she...