【WHY NOT BOLD】Unprofessional, Unqualified, Imperfect: Cancer-Fighting Silver-Haired Model LISA·1958 Let’s talk about Bold.  How would you define the word “Bold”? Fearless, confident and brave, striking, daring, audacious, beyond the usual boundaries, in bold. “Bold” is a multifaceted word, just as everyone's interpretation of “Bold” differs. BBOLD, BE BOLD — Instead of us telling you how to Be Bold, let's leave it to you to define.BBOLD has invited six women from diverse backgrounds to share their thoughts on Bold, starting from their own experiences. The next one is LISA·1958。 LISA·1958 Meet LISA·1958, the extraordinary model defying age and adversity. In a mere three years in the modeling industry, she's proven that beauty knows no bounds. But her story runs deeper than meets the eye. Lisa confronts unique challenges due...

【WHY NOT BOLD】The Depths of Moral Decay – The Bold Web Novelist, Shum Cheuk Yi Let’s talk about Bold.  How would you define the word “Bold”? Fearless, confident and brave, striking, daring, audacious, beyond the usual boundaries, in bold. “Bold” is a multifaceted word, just as everyone's interpretation of “Bold” differs. BBOLD, BE BOLD — Instead of us telling you how to Be Bold, let's leave it to you to define.BBOLD has invited six women from diverse backgrounds to share their thoughts on Bold, starting from their own experiences. The next one is Shum Cheuk Yi. Writing fiction allows me to express myself freely, I can write about anything. Shum Cheuk Yi While everyone calls her Shum Cheuk Yi, the character name from her book, her online forum username boldly reads “Yu Yum Hotline”. Yes, she presents herse...

【WHY NOT BOLD】I have a social adjustment switch – Socially anxious model Zelia Zhong Let’s talk about Bold.  How would you define the word “Bold”? Fearless, confident and brave, striking, daring, audacious, beyond the usual boundaries, in bold. “Bold” is a multifaceted word, just as everyone's interpretation of “Bold” differs. BBOLD, BE BOLD — Instead of us telling you how to Be Bold, let's leave it to you to define.BBOLD has invited six women from diverse backgrounds to share their thoughts on Bold, starting from their own experiences. The first one is Zelia Zhong. Fairness doesn't matter, giving your best does.  Zelia Zhong I boldly dub Zelia as the “Socially Awkward Model”. Under the glare of spotlights and before the camera's lens, she transforms into a poised, confident, and professional model. Her...

【VOICE OF HER】Granting Ourselves Vulnerability – Gigi Fong

Have faith in the value of your vulnerability,for it is where your inner strength truly thrives. It was only during my interview with Canaan that we reached the second question before needing to reach for tissues. Before she created “Gigi Fong”, every interview used to reduce her to a quiver, her voice cracking. “Bold isn't a label I'd ever give myself.” she confessed, with a raw honesty that was genuinely refreshing. She's candid about her own makeup, unafraid to acknowledge both her courage and moments of timidity. Instead of sidestepping, she consistently faces her inner world head-on. As a creator, she's a wellspring of fresh ideas and experiments, while also nurturing aspects she hesitates to reveal to the world. “Maybe my boldness comes from accepting and discussing ...

Married 3000 Kilometres Away: A Taiwanese Bride’s Journey to Mongolia

There is a saying: "Grasp the chopsticks aloft, and destiny shall carry you afar in matrimony." But for the sake of love, how great a distance would you traverse? Yili, with unwavering resolve, set her sights upon a journey spanning 3,000 kilometres. From the enchanting city of Taichung to the majestic capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, she embraced her new role as a Mongolian bride. In this foreign land, she gracefully assimilated, planting her roots deep within the earth, while ardently cultivating a genuine affection for her adopted home. To marry afar is not a compromise,but a serendipitous intertwining of fate and choice. Yili Mongolia's letter resembles Russian, while its spoken language resonates faintly with the cadence of Korean. Venture beyond the urban confines, and a...

【VOICE OF HER】 I’ve Never had a Comfort Zone – Irving Cheung

I've never had a comfort zone because I've never felt the need to create one Irving Cheung “I'm an art director, costume designer, commercial director, shop owner, artist, and a mom... Well, or something along those lines!" That's how Irving introduced herself during the interview. One might wonder if she's a freelancer, given her diverse roles that may seem overwhelming and limit her freedom. However, every one of these roles is a result of her deliberate choices and is wholeheartedly embraced with passion. Irving studied fine arts with the dream of becoming an artist. However, her early exposure to the world of film, thanks to her sister, led her down the path of becoming an art director. With her trained aesthetics and discerning eye, she not only excelled in set design but ...

【VOICE OF HER】Gender Norms in Society— Pearlmi Tam

Society has rigid expectations for men and women, and these are accompanied by high demands and standards.  Pearlmi Tam In Hong Kong, traditional Chinese thinking heavily influences societal perceptions of gender, often favouring men over women and constraining women into passive and fragile roles. Anecdotes like Pearlmi's experience in motorbike lessons illustrate the pervasive nature of gender expectations and stereotypes. Rigid ideas about what "men should'' and "women should" do create unrealistic and unfair situations, making it difficult for individuals to break free from traditional gender roles. Despite progress made towards challenging gender stereotypes, society's journey remains a long one.  Gender expectations are imposed on everyone, regardless of gend...