extreme sports

From Novice to Entrepreneur: A Free-Diver’s Inspiring 5-Year Odyssey Interviewing with Theresa Wu

Many female free-divers share a common dream - to capture breathtaking, mermaid-like photos of themselves underwater. Today, we're speaking with Theresa from ezzdiveco, IG@ezzentrictwee, to learn about the challenges and accomplishments on her free-diving journey. Let's strap on our long fins, take a deep breath, and dive into Theresa's undersea world! Unlike scuba diving that requires a air tank, free-diving is the sport of diving underwater relying solely on one's own breath. It is a true challenge both physically and mentally. Theresa shares that she initially just wanted to accompany her boyfriend to get a free-diving certification. But as she gradually learned and practiced, she unexpectedly fell in love with this wonderful sport. She mentions, "Because you can only rely on one...