A Girl Like Me: An Interview with Kuen Lin

A woman like “Madam Kuen” is someone you probably have in your circle of friends. She’s straightforward, confident, unafraid to speak her mind, her laughter often heard before she’s seen, and she knows how to create a lively atmosphere while maintaining a respectful sense of boundaries. She’s everyone’s friend, and everyone wants to be hers. People call her “Madam Kuen” because it rolls off the tongue easily and because she exudes the aura of a big sister. However, when introducing herself, she often insists, “I’m 34 years young. Please don’t call me Madam Kuen anymore, just Kuen-Kuen or even Little Kuen will do.”

ViuTV’s Launch and Her Career

Some refer to her as ViuTV’s “leading lady”, and rightfully so, she’s been with the channel since its inception. Her big-hearted, chatty personality has earned her numerous hosting opportunities, which she embraces with enthusiasm. “Hosting isn’t just about enjoying conversation, it involves mastering the art of pacing. When guests feel comfortable and trust you, they naturally open up more.” On camera, she doesn’t need to be the center of attention, instead, she thrives on meaningful exchanges with others. Her skill in doing so doesn’t go unnoticed by the audience.

The Most Capable “Vase”

Before going on stage once, Kuen was asked to promote herself using a slogan, putting everyone’s quick wit to the test. Kuen has always understood her unique selling point, her personality. She remarked that promoting her appearance would reduce her to a “vase”, but the term “vase” alone seemed unfair to her. “Big vase” felt more fitting, at least matching her stature and presence. So she confidently stepped out and declared, “Hello! I’m Florica Lin, and my goal this year is to be the most capable big vase!” When it comes to being capable or idolized, she wants it all. “Maybe I won’t score 100 points, but 80 points on each side is pretty good.”

As for capability, she continues to grow in her roles as a host and actress. As the saying goes, “The sea of learning knows no bounds,” combining talent, hard work, and a touch of luck. Regarding her appearance, her confidence is her charm. “Look closely, whether taken individually or together, my features are actually quite attractive. I think my upper body looks quite good, don’t you agree?” Indeed, you are unique. “I can proudly say, I’m captivating.”

The World Demands You to Strive for Success, But Sincerity is the Greatest Skill

In the entertainment industry, survival requires some savvy. From an outsider’s perspective, Florica’s journey over the past 6-7 years appears smooth. Initially, she boldly left a stable job to enter the industry, but there are no guarantees of success here. “If I have a secret weapon, it’s probably my personality—approachable and relatable.” She believes that a female artist doesn’t need to be excessively gentle and sweet, being straightforward can be just as endearing. She admires Serrini’s authenticity and courage to express herself. Kuen believes that artists have a social responsibility, to be true to themselves and then build a unique style. As a host, she avoids being overly enthusiastic or fawning and doesn’t force conversation. For her, sincerity is key. Florica considers herself fortunate to have encountered helpful mentors, but I believe it’s the law of attraction at work. She connects with everyone and has a natural rapport with both guests and viewers.

Becoming the Iconic Kuen

Throughout her career, some have suggested she lose weight, while others have suggested she gain weight to “become the iconic Kuen”, avoiding her current in-between figure. “Why should I follow that? If I want to indulge and gain weight, I will, if I want to slim down, I’ll manage my weight accordingly. I don’t like others controlling or influencing my decisions.”

Her last name is Lin, a unique surname; she’s of mixed heritage and a native-born Hong Kong actress. A woman like her is truly one of a kind.

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