About the Rare 29-Year Saturn Return
The Saturn Return is a fascinating and mysterious astrological concept. Saturn completes its orbit approximately every 29.5 years. In other words, each person’s Saturn Return happens around the age of 29, marking a significant time of personal growth. This period often brings noticeable changes in relationships and can be a pivotal turning point in various aspects of life.
“I didn’t set specific goals based on age or year, but coincidentally, everything happened during this period.” JACE remarks. Regardless of whether Saturn is influencing her, JACE took this crucial juncture to leave her record company and reinvent herself as an independent singer-songwriter. You might have heard about her over the past two years, conflicts with her company leading to a hiatus, traveling to the U.S., learning dance, and now, she’s back with a new version of herself, ready to share her story.

A Blueprint Without Directions, A Path Full of Dead Ends
“I’ve often derived my courage from ignorance,” JACE admits. “You don’t know the dangers, so you try everything.” This applied to her independence as well. Even though she anticipated the challenges, it was a mix of ignorance and bravery that propelled her forward.
Without a mentor or a boss to guide her, she had to make all the decisions herself, forcing rapid growth. “I used to think I could ‘offload’ responsibility, blaming the company’s restrictions. It was like finding freedom within a confined space, deceiving myself about how much freedom I actually had and how much responsibility I could shirk.” JACE understood the perks of such limitations but ultimately decided to forge her own path. “There was a time I couldn’t distinguish how much effort was enough, how much rest I was lazy, and how long I needed to rest to benefit myself?” Not only did she have to be accountable for her decisions, but also for her team’s morale and success. There were a lot of questions without clear answers.

An Ant by the Tree, Yearning for Solitude;
A Flower in the Greenhouse, Longing for Rain
“Freedom is a mindset, not dependent on the environment,” JACE believes. “I won’t compare being with a company to being independent. Even as an independent artist, I can be trapped by budgets and public tastes, feeling mentally constrained.” The freedom she now enjoys comes from allowing herself to let go.
JACE candidly shares that her abundant energy led her to rush into everything when she first started her company, eager to see results. This, however, quickly exhausted her, plunging her into an emotional low, feeling lost and confused. “Creating art shouldn’t feel this way. Being independent was supposed to help me find my rhythm, not consume me.” She decided to undergo a period of “intermittent hibernation”, where she embraced rest, avoiding resistance and urgency. By fully experiencing the low, she eventually emerged from it renewed.
On Creation and Redemption
“It sounds clichéd, but creating saved me during that time. I wasn’t thinking about how long I needed to rest, just when I could release my work. It became a driving force,” JACE explains. “To others, it might seem like I was pushing myself hard, but it was actually a joy for me, a form of salvation.” She reflects that, whether it’s work, relationships, or any aspect of life, it all boils down to experience and growth. “Yes, it might sound clichéd, but that’s how it is. You’re great, even if it sounds old-fashioned.”
JACE’s new song “I’m Tired”, encapsulates this journey of self-discovery and creative rebirth.