Mo Ieong

Unveiling Saoirse Ronan: The Authentic Essence of an Actress

Acting is kind of like child’s play,as a child can transform themselves into someone else. Saoirse Ronan Is there a link between an actor's authentic personality and the characters they bring to life on screen? The “Instinctive Actor”, a distinct category of performers renowned for their adaptability. These actors gravitate towards roles that align with their own personalities, effortlessly embodying characters whose traits resonate with their innate qualities. With an uncanny ability to seamlessly blend their true selves into their performances, their portrayals exude a natural, unvarnished charm. Saoirse Ronan may fit this profile. When you think of Saoirse Ronan, moments of her confidently holding hands with Timothée Chalamet on stage or humorously teaching Margot Robb...

The Survival Rules of the Gobi Desert – Mongolian Travelogue

“What drove you to travel to Mongolia?” asked the airport staff on the day of our departure. “To ride horses! To ride camels! To eat mutton! To savor horse milk wine!” we, a group of six, enthusiastically replied. Envision ourselves galloping on white horses across the boundless grasslands under the shimmering stars... Well, it may sound a bit whimsical, but beyond that, Mongolia offers excellent value for travel (especially when compared to places like Tokyo, where spending seems endless),  making it an alluring choice. With a mere four-hour flight away, many Hong Kongers opt for a “quick getaway” to Tokyo during extended weekends, yet only a handful consider a “flash visit” to Mongolia. However, for those seeking an extraordinary and distinct travel experience, Mongolia emer...

Married 3000 Kilometres Away: A Taiwanese Bride’s Journey to Mongolia

There is a saying: "Grasp the chopsticks aloft, and destiny shall carry you afar in matrimony." But for the sake of love, how great a distance would you traverse? Yili, with unwavering resolve, set her sights upon a journey spanning 3,000 kilometres. From the enchanting city of Taichung to the majestic capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, she embraced her new role as a Mongolian bride. In this foreign land, she gracefully assimilated, planting her roots deep within the earth, while ardently cultivating a genuine affection for her adopted home. To marry afar is not a compromise,but a serendipitous intertwining of fate and choice. Yili Mongolia's letter resembles Russian, while its spoken language resonates faintly with the cadence of Korean. Venture beyond the urban confines, and a...

Women Voice in Film – The Bechdel Test

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, lounging around at home with nothing to do, you decide to give your good friend Liz a call. “Let's go watch a movie!” you suggest. “Which one?” Liz's voice sounds sluggish, as if she's also feeling restless. “Anything will do, just to pass the time,” you reply. “That won't do. I have three specific criteria for watching a movie,” Liz suddenly becomes serious. You thought she would mention genres or actors, but instead, she presents three peculiar requirements: (1) There have to be at least 2 named female characters(2) They have to talk to each other(3) The conversation needs to be about something other than a man As Liz's criteria sank in, , your mind raced through the recent lineup of films, The Flash, Transformers, Spider-Man, Fast & ...

What are you reading lately? Recommended book list for the 2023 Book Fair

In Hong Kong, the perception of reading is a paradoxical tapestry. On one hand, it is widely believed that Hong Kongers are highly educated. On the other hand, reality paints a different picture – a significant portion of the population seems to have drifted away from the pages. These two statements may seem contradictory, but they unveil a complex reality. Diving into the data, the 2022 Hong Kong National Reading Survey sheds light on this enigma. It reveals that around 70% of Hong Kong residents claim to have engaged with books and publications in the past year. However, a closer look at the younger generation unveils a decline, with less than 60% maintaining a consistent reading habit. While the numbers may seem encouraging at first glance, the truth is that having occasional encoun...

【WHY NOT BOLD】 Beauty and the Pain – Interviewing Irving Cheung

There exists a captivating profession known as the Art Director in the film industry, who are responsible for crafting and designing the visual style, captivating settings, intricate sets, mesmerising costumes, and more. Their profound ability can be best described by a quote from William Cheung, “They enable the cinema audience to sense the very air of the film.” This perfectly encapsulates the extraordinary work carried out by Art Directors. Irving Cheung, a name renowned within the industry. Since the tender age of fourteen, she has been immersed in the world of filmmaking. With a remarkable five nominations for Best Art Direction at the Hong Kong Film Awards, her achievements are awe-inspiring. Yet, beneath the surface, there is another side to her story. She courageously battles a...

【VOICE OF HER】 I’ve Never had a Comfort Zone – Irving Cheung

I've never had a comfort zone because I've never felt the need to create one Irving Cheung “I'm an art director, costume designer, commercial director, shop owner, artist, and a mom... Well, or something along those lines!" That's how Irving introduced herself during the interview. One might wonder if she's a freelancer, given her diverse roles that may seem overwhelming and limit her freedom. However, every one of these roles is a result of her deliberate choices and is wholeheartedly embraced with passion. Irving studied fine arts with the dream of becoming an artist. However, her early exposure to the world of film, thanks to her sister, led her down the path of becoming an art director. With her trained aesthetics and discerning eye, she not only excelled in set design but ...

Hong Kong in June: Pride or Hide?

June, the Pride Month, resonates internationally as a symbol of love and freedom. Brands and every nook and cranny are adorned with rainbow flags, representing gender equality, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Yet, Hong Kong seems to fade into insignificance. LGBTQIAP+ The LGBTQ+ community, a vibrant tapestry woven with the threads of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender individuals, and queers/questioning individuals, has been an ever-evolving force. As time dances forward, its composition expands gracefully to include intersex individuals, asexual souls, pansexual beings, and the resilient "+" symbol, eternally embracing all who seek belonging. The history and origins of Pride Month gleam like a treasure trove, effortlessly discovered within the digital labyrinth of knowledg...