Traveling the with my SkateboardInterviewing Hong Kong Skateboarder Karen

During the pandemic, many people, unable to travel, discovered new interests while staying in Hong Kong. Karen was one of them, as she began exploring skateboarding during that time. Initially, she was drawn to the sense of freedom that skateboarding offered, which encouraged her to take on the challenge. 

As she started learning to skateboard, she gradually realized that the sense of achievement from progressing “from zero to one” was another reason why skateboarding resonated with her. She understood that each trick requires a lot of hard work and courage, which motivated her to overcome various challenges and made her reluctant to give up easily. Before she knew it, three years had passed since she started riding her skateboard.

Believe that you must overcome your fears on your own

Most people who learn to skateboard know that falling is part of the process. Practicing a trick can lead to dozens or even hundreds of falls, yet they still choose to continue. Despite being cautious, Karen has experienced two significant ankle sprains, each requiring two months of rest before she could get back on her board.

Falling and stumbling are essential stages in becoming a successful skateboarder; each fall and injury has taught Karen to encourage herself. She noted, “Some fears are things that others can’t help you overcome; you have to conquer and break through them yourself. If you don’t face them, you’ll stagnate and not progress.”

When traveling, many people might worry about controlling their luggage weight and try to keep it light, but Karen sees her skateboard as one of her top essentials. She always tries to bring it along while traveling, which has helped her connect with local skateboarders. She shared, “One of my most memorable experiences was walking down the street with my board and boldly asking a shopkeeper in Japanese if they skateboarded. This led to a friendship, and later, they introduced me to other skateboarders in Japan.”

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